Computing primes with Erathones sieve:
sieve (n:ns) =
n : sieve [x | x <- ns, x 'mod' n > 0]
runningSums xs = theSolution
theSolution = zipWith (+) xs (0:theSolution)
f a b
is to be read ((f a) b)
and is different from
f (a, b)
f (a b)
incAll = map(\i->i+1)
count 1 = "one"
count 2 = "two"
count _ = "many"
oddOrEven :: Int -> String
oddOrEven i
| odd i = "odd"
| even i = "even"
| otherwise = "strange"
The type of (.) // <-- Composition
(f.g) x = f (g x)
(b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c // Composition
Type variables begin with a lowercase letter.
Fixed number of elements, may be of different types
(4, "4") :: (Int, String)
Arbitrary number of elements of the same type
[1, 2, 3 ,4] :: [Int]
[2..] :: [Int] // All the numbers over 2
length1 :: [a] -> Int
length1 [] = 0
length1 (x:xs) = 1 (length1 xs)
some standard list functions
filter even [1..]
map doublePlusOne [1..3]
fold (foldr, foldl):
sum = foldr (+) 0
allIntPairs = [(i,j) | i<-[0..], j<-[0..i]]
eExp x = runningSums[ (x^i) / (fac i) | i <- [0..]]
ones1 = 1:ones1
ones2 = [1, 1...]
sieve1 (n:ns) = n: sieve1 (filter (\x -> x 'mod' n > 0)
type Name = String
Enumerated types
data Color =
Red | Green | Blue | Yellow | Black | White
Enumerated types generalized!
data Price =
Euro Int Int | Dollar Int Int
complement:: Color -> Color
complement red = Green
complement Green = Red
complement >Blue = Yellow
complement _ = Blue
The pattern cases correspond to alternative construction functions of the data types.
There's not functions that can not be defined as recursions in theory lolz.
data IntTree
= IntEmpty| IntNode Int IntTree IntTree
or a polymorphic version
data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
the type of:
elem x xs = any (==x) xs
is (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
putChar :: Char -> IO ()
getChar :: IO Char